Summertime special projects can really cool your plans. But we know how you feel, because we know special projects.

5 tested ways to crush your summer plans

Whether half your marketing team goes on vacation at once or you don’t feel like you can be OOO on a summer Friday without getting an SOS, you might need help slowing down your summer. Here are five easy ways to plan ahead and get the most out of the sunshine season before Labor Day hits.  Write a list of 100 dreams.  Career coach Caroline Ceniza-Levine has her […]

The three things a business owner needs to keep in mind the next time the company's clothes simply don't fit.

What happens when your company outgrows its clothes?

After years of hustling to establish an approach for every aspect of the business, there will come a day when, suddenly, you realize your company’s “clothes” don’t fit anymore. It happens every few years, in every single business. Systems, processes and even service offerings that used to serve you will feel tight, awkward or incredibly out of style, […]

3 secrets to improving employee retention

When it comes to retaining employees, it turns out that cash is not king. It’s benefits that rule the roost, no matter where you work. According to Josh Levs, author of “All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families and Businesses and How We Can Fix It Together,” paid leave is highly correlated with employee […]

How I lit myself on fire. (Not literally).

Last month, I had the honor of speaking with Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD) as part of the WELD Leadership Series about my passion for finding your own unique leadership platform within yourself and how to share it with your team. As an entrepreneur, it was incredibly energizing to spend the morning with […]

Can you lead a creative business and be a practical leader?

The tension between the need to be a practical business owner while running a creative business is real. Practicality and creativity aren’t mutually exclusive, and it seems that harnessing both is key to running a successful business. How do you temper creative impulse with strategic decision making? Put your creative know-how to work and find unique solutions to […]

A letter to the future parents of treetree

Dear parents-to-be, When the time comes, you’ll be on the cusp of an incredible, and most certainly life-changing time. Maybe not this year, maybe not next. Soon enough. Maybe not by birth. Maybe by adoption. Whenever you’re ready, parenthood will come, however it does. And it will change you, forever. I know it did me. […]