November 8, 2021

The marketing of marketing: Why and how to amplify your team

The marketing of marketing

You’re the leader of a hardworking B2B marketing team. You’re moving a million miles an hour, managing multiple channels and developing impactful marketing campaigns.

On top of that, you’re doing more with less because of budget cuts, the “great resignation,” or both. But all leadership seems to care about is what the ROI was on your last campaign. Sound familiar?

The findings from our most recent Curiosity Report unveiled a prominent challenge many marketing leaders face: The need to continuously educate the organization on their marketing initiatives—and prove their value.

Through new proprietary research in partnership with PATH, treetree has pulled back the curtain on how the dynamic between marketing and sales contributes to this challenge—and how to solve it.

You know that the role of marketing is to establish proactive strategies to get in front of customers. Marketing leverages technology to develop relevant content, deploy that content, and curate go-to-market (virtual and tangible) materials for sales teams.

However, you likely also know marketing strategy and efforts can be challenging to prove as successful, especially when sales successes are measured in direct revenue to the bottom line of an organization.

Our findings revealed that B2B giants will see greater success if sales and marketing align on their goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). For example, functional marketing and sales integration can have a significantly positive impact on the organization’s success, bringing in 32% higher revenue, 108% better lead acceptance and 208% greater contribution to revenue from marketing-generated leads.

So how do you communicate these kinds of statistics in a meaningful way while you’re churning through your next campaign?

Marketing teams must prove the value of their efforts, deliverables and time to their organizational leaders.

We know this is a challenge. And we have a solution. A marketing showcase is the fastest way to not only prove ROI, but also make a compelling business case for your marketing team (and impress a few people while you’re at it).

So how can your marketing Team’s showcase come together?

  • Imagine a video with every highlight of your year, from print to social media campaigns—and any metrics related to engagement.
  • Or a glossy lookbook filled with compelling case studies.
  • Or an I-can’t-believe-our-company-made-this presentation that facilitates budget discussions.
  • Or a name-dropping-IRL showcase of customer testimonials.

And… any and all sales results that these pieces had anything to do with. Showcase those too.

  • If you made a sales tool, the sales team used it.
  • If you did a social campaign, customers saw it.
  • If you launched a new website, prospective eyeballs viewed it.

It’s not a question of if marketing initiatives drove sales. It’s simply a matter of showcasing the initiatives marketing created that sales leveraged to sell.

Your past deliverables can and should be celebrated and displayed to present marketing’s impact internally to organizational leaders, future partners and across departments.

But we know all about resourcing and timing. Nice-to-have projects like curating and presenting an end-of-year review often take more time than an internal marketing team can account for in their marketing plan. So, what should you do?

Your marketing team deserves to shine within your own organization

We can create a captivating highlight of your team’s annual accomplishments that hammers home how impactful your team is. Not only will it help you confidently prove your department’s business case, but it will also provide you with valuable documentation heading into the end-of-year and fiscal 2022 planning. Encourage celebrating your team’s hard work with a tangible reflection of the year’s accomplishments.

Let us help you do more and prove more.

treetree can serve as the creative firepower your team needs to create and deliver an exceptional showcase of all your marketing efforts. Connect with treetree by reaching out to